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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Second generation iPOD

The second-generation iPod came
out in July 2002 in 10-GB and 20-GB
models. This iPod looks very much
like the first-generation model, but
it has some key differences. Perhaps
most importantly, the scroll wheel on
the second-generation iPod does not
physically move; rather, it is touchsensitive.
(All subsequent generations
of iPods include this feature.) The
control buttons, however, are still
mechanical. Play/Pause, Menu,
Forward, and Reverse appear
around the touch wheel in a similar
configuration to the first-generation
iPod .
Like the first-generation iPod, the
second-generation iPod connects to
other devices exclusively through
its FireWire port, which you find on

the top of the unit. Unlike the first-generation iPod, the FireWire port here sports
a protective cover

As for the LCD of the second-generation
iPod, it’s in monochrome and is
not backlit.