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Sunday, August 31, 2008


With IMhaha, you do not need to download any software onto your computer. Just go to from your Internet browser, and log on with any of your IM accounts (MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, or QQ) and start chatting with your buddies. You can log onto multiple IM systems with multiple user accounts at the same time and stay connected real-time with all your buddies. IMhaha’s supports IM conference so you can chat with a group of buddies no matter which one of the four IM systems (MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, and QQ) they are using.The IMhaha’s Easibo feature lets you can collaborate with your friends in real-time on a commonly shared online white board. You can also create your profile which includes all the IM accounts you have with MSN, Yahoo1, AIM, or QQ. With your profile, you can enjoy the benefits of single sing-on: logging in with one messenger account, you automatically log into all other messenger accounts you specified in the profile.

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