How to Install ISO/CSO Games in PSP 3000 or PSP 2000 Latest Motherboard
Now, a lot of people have emailed or contacted me on this when it comes to PSP 3000. So, as for beginners I will teach you guys the way to install it. The advance PSP 3000 users doesn't need to read this....
Ok, usually installing ISO/CSO Games if the PSP 3000 has already the CFW Loader Installed or the 5.03 CFW GEN-A Installed in the unit. If the they are not installed, the PSP Unit will not be able to identify or find it in the PSP 3000 Memory Stick (GAMES>MEMORY STICK). Click here for CFW Enabler Guide. Or Click Here for GEN-A CFW Loader Guide
*Note: I advise you guys to buy the games first before creating an ISO backed up games. Let's also support the developers for this.
1) Now if you have an ISO game in your PC, connect your PSP 3000 to PC first.
2) Your computer should detect your PSP Memory Stick and automatically open the Memory Stick Drive. If it doesn't you can go to "My Computer" and open your Memory Stick Drive(removable disk "example F:").
3) Once you are inside, you should see lots of folders; PSP, PICTURES, VIDEO, MUSIC, etc.
4) If you don't see any folder named "ISO" from what you are seeing now, then that means you have to create one. the example should be like this: "F:\ISO\"
5) Now, lets say you have Monster Hunter Freedom Unite ISO with you. All you have to do is copy "MHFU.iso"and paste it into "F:\ISO\". The example should be like this: "F:\ISO\MHFU.iso"
6) Now after that, just disconnect your PSP and go to GAMES>MEMORY STICK>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. That's it!! :)
*Note: Make sure that you have 5.03 ChickHEN R2 running in your PSP 3000 along with the CFW LOADER. To make this work.
Now others may ask or search
Q: How do you uninstall the program ChickHEN R2 and the CFW Enabler or GEN-A LOADER?
A: Simple, just shutdown the psp unit completely. As in HOLD Turn Off long enough to make it shutdown. After that, switch the PSP Unit back on and the version of the PSP Unit should go back to Official Firmware 5.03.
Q: I've seen some people manage to install a Customed Theme to PSP 3000, how can i install that one?
A: You can if you want, but my suggestion to you guys is NOT TO INSTALL them. There is a chance to brick your PSP 3000.
SOurce :